Writing and Business Goals for June 2018

June 2018 Goals

Hello everyone!

Though I freely admit the time I took away from blogging, social media, and writing was unquestionably needed to put myself back in balance, I am truly happy to have returned and ready for June goal setting.

Since the publishing company I used went out of business (please see prior post for explanation), my main focus for June is completing everything necessary to get Have Spirit Will Travel back on Amazon by the end of this year.

June Goals:

  1. Complete all front and back matter for the new edition of Have Spirit Will Travel
  2. Write a short story about Skyler’s youth, which will be free to everyone who purchases book one
  3. Edit the first chapter of book two to be included as a teaser in book one
  4. Write chapter 6 of book two
  5. Name book two
  6. Read three books

If you set your own goals, I’d love to know what they are.

Happy June!
