Writing and Business Goals for May 2017

May 17 Writing and Business Goals

According to a host of credible sites, (aka editors, publishers, and other writers) a new author, whether they choose to self publish as I am, or publish traditionally, should have their website, blog, and every form of social media established before they even type or write their first word.

Since my book, Have Spirit Will Travel, is already on it’s final edit before going to beta readers, and I’ve just created my site, I am fervently setting goals and planning strategies for blog posts (on a new blog), researching social media strategies, and am in process of introducing my book on Facebook, I’d say I’m a little late to the party.

So kicking my own ass into gear, my focus for the month of June is to take the multiple social media and marketing articles I’ve collected over the past several months, digest them, and then implement them into tasks of organizing, strategizing, and planning my time for top productivity.

Below I’ve listed three bloggers who graciously share this type of information.

The first is Zoe Linda, an inspirational marketing and social media strategist, who wrote an extremely informative article titled, 8 Surefire Ways to Increase Blog Traffic with Pinterest, which is chock full of valuable information.  She also offers free printables and several other helpful posts.

In her post titled, How to Create a Fantastic Social Media Plan for Writers (or anyone!), Peg Fitzpatrick states, “The combination that I feel can really be a powerhouse together is Google+ and Pinterest“.  I’ve decided to give this duo a try and see how it goes. I already have a personal Pinterest account, so upgrading I will be a-going, and though Google+ is new to me, I am up for the challenge!

Laurie Tomlinson, co-author of The Writers Alley wrote an awesome post called, Instagram for Writers. In her post you’ll not only find tips, but also examples of other writers successfully using Instagram.

Now for my May Goals:

  1. Set up an account with Google+
  2. Convert my personal Pinterest account into a business account
  3. Go through existing boards and rename, remove, or add to, if applicable
  4. Create a weekly planning and scheduling system for all social media
  5. Create an editorial calendar
  6. Research the app Later for Instagram
  7. Research the apps Buffer, a scheduling tool, and Trello, an organizational tool
  8. Send beta readers manuscript and review their comments
  9. Complete the book sales description/back cover blurb
  10. List book categories and keywords for publishing

Wish me luck!
